Mi, 05.08.2015 , 12:47 Uhr

Munich and You: A Traveler's Guide

For the visiting tourist, Munich can be an overwhelming place filled with eclectic and auspicious monuments and influences. But for the knowing tourist, it can also be as welcoming as a hug and as thrilling as a fair ride. Here are the top 10 places to get the most bang for your buck in Munich.



10. St. Peter’s Church/Basilica in Marienplatz


One of the most prominent features of the Munich inner city skyline, this church is as old as it is gold. The inside has _ worth a stop or maybe even joining in a service. The basilica tower climb is a fair hike, but the view of the city from the observation landing is unparalleled. Ready your phones for some serious panoramics. The cost for the tower is only a few euro but the hours are short, often closing at 12:00PM, so going in the morning is recommended.



9. Asamkirche on Sendlingerstraße


Another church must see is that of Asam’s Church located off of Sendlinger Tor. This church is a stunning example of lavish Rococo Baroque design, and is also an example of Munichers continuing appreciation for the arts. In 1733 it was originally intended as a private chapel, but had to be opened to the public, due to outcry at all of Munich not being able to see the splendor. The church closes at 5:30PM daily.



8. Olympiapark off of Olympiazentrum


The former site of the infamous and bloody 1972 Olympics, this complex now serves as both an architectural beauty and grounds for some of the largest celebratory events and festivals in Munich. Visiting here is almost always sure to show you something new, with the Sommerfestival Impark15 and an exhibition for Tutankhamun ongoing just right now. You can also have a meal 181 meters above the city, 360 degrees live, in Restaurant 181 in the Olympiaturm.



7. Museenline, Bus 100


As a city of both industry and heritage, Munich offers a unique way to make the most of both with a bus line that runs through many of the major museums. This museum line stops at the Staatliche Antikensammlung or the National Collection of Antiques, the Pinakothek, a grouping of art museums featuring different periods from the 14th century to modern day, the Residence with crown jewels and a private theater and much more including the Kartoffelmuseum or potato museum. Regular passes for Munich transport work for every stop.



6. Deutsches Museum off of Fraunhoferstraße


This museum itself boasts the status of being the largest and one of the oldest science museums in the world. The Deutsches Museum holds exhibitions on topics from ceramics to aerospace to digital imaging. The attractions here may seem more children oriented sometimes, but due to the sheer volume of exhibits and interesting interactive elements, every goer is sure to find something to learn about.  Tickets are 11€ for adults and 4€ for students.



5. Viktualienmarkt in Marienplatz


Also located in Marienplatz is this famous and robust market. Stalls include everything from traditional German wurst to bio smoothies to carved statues to aromatic foreign spices. Here you can find several beer gardens and a famous fountain, which you may even drink out of, just for a spot of luck. The market runs every day until 6:00PM except for Sundays and holidays.



4. Bars and Pubs in Sendlinger Tor and Münchner Freiheit


Munich has a lot of good cheer to offer and a lot of good places to offer it in. Stop by and listen to live bands and watch fütball at a bar like Kennedy’s or Ben’s Bar for part of the true Bavarian experience. Major stops on the ubahn and sbahn lines, Sendlinger Tor and Münchner Freiheit are both less touristy and still active places, during the day and during the night.



3. English Garden, East of Universität


A pride and joy of the city, these gardens occupy a larger a space larger than Central Park in the middle of the city. Surfing, swimming, nude sunbathing and rolling down hills are all encouraged here in company of lush green nature and the coiling Isar river. Located inside the English garden is the Chinese Beer Garden, where you can burn the night away surrounded by the forest and good beer that keeps flowing. The gardens are public and the beer garden closes at 1:00AM.



2. Beer Gardens


Your stay in Munich would be remiss if it didn’t include a beer garden. The ones at Oktoberfest are incredible and worth a trip or four, but there’s a lot to be offered elsewhere in the city, as well. Skip the prices and the crowding at the touristy Hofbrauhaus to visit smaller outlying places like Waldwirtschaft, or the smaller but still central Zum Augustiner or even the largest in all of Bavaria, Hirschgarten.



1. City Events


Munich is a city that feels like a small, cozy town. And like all towns, there’s always something going on. Blade Night, a weekly skating event, is available for just 2€ at Thereseinweisen. Festivals such as Volksfest (at OlympiaPark until the 23 of August) and tour events like Nacht der Umwelt or Night of the Environment on September 18th, are constantly being held and are easily accessible. The joy of seeing the city through these unique and interactive events is immense and with so many events going on, there is always something to do that feels custom made for the Municher in you. Go to http://muenchen.de/int/en/events.html  for more information and to decide on your story in Munich.


Munich Sights Sightseeing
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